Basic Appearance and Accessories
· I will keep my fingernails short and unvarnished.
· I will keep my hair short and tidy without any artificial coloring.
· I will not use make-up or any other cosmetics.
· I will not wear other types of jewelers, ornaments or any other accessories on my body.
· Only Girls are allowed to wear the same pair of small plain earring stuck at the ear lobes. Boys are not allowed to wear ear accessories.
· I will not wear colored contact lenses.
· I will not wear expensive watches or carry expensive items.
· I will not bring stereo-headphones, mobiles or unauthorized computerized gadgets to school.

Basic Class Rules
· I will observe these basic class rules
· Be punctual for lessons
· All students will speak Dzongkha and English in the school campus.
· Stand up to greet the teacher at the beginning of the lesson and again to thank him/her at the end of the lesson.
· Have my study materials ready before the start of lesson.
· Raise my hand when I intend to speak
· Show pride in my work by putting in my best effort in doing assignments and handing them on time.
· Maintain decorum in the class.

General Conduct
· I will not leave the classroom during the lessons. When I need to leave the classroom, I will obtain permission, and the permission pass from the subject teacher.
· I will not bully, fight or be defiant to teachers, use vulgar and abusive language, or commit truancy, theft or vandalism.
· I will not loiter in the towns and other places during school hours and even after the school time.
· I will maintain the schools and my own dignity in public by always wearing my school uniform with pride and upholding gracious and honourable behaviour.
· I will keep my school clean and litter-free, switch off light and fan and close water tap when they are not in use.
· Punctuality is a must in all school activities; morning work, assembly, classes, games,  house competitions, prayers, etc.
· All students must compulsorily participate or attend all school functions both curricular and co-curricular like the National Programs.
· Students whose class attendance is 90% and below will not be allowed to sit for the final Examination

 Absence from School or CCAs
· I will produce a valid medical certificate for my teachers when I am absent for school and other school activities.
· I will not leave school during school hours without prior approval of the Principal, Class Teacher, Subject teacher etc...
· I know that truancy is a serious offence. I may be suspended from school for truancy and even expelled for willful absenteeism.

Hospital Visits

· All minor ailments shall be treated by the health in-charge in the school during the interval and lunch time.
· Hospital visiting time for students is from 12.05 – 1.00 PM during the usual working days. However, seriousness of the patient and emergency shall be dealt accordingly.
· All students must have a HEALTH BOOK maintained.
· Each student must get a signature from the health in charge / class teacher / subject teacher or principals if he/she wishes to visit the BHU.
· ACO/Doctor shall examine the sick student only upon producing the health book with prior permission/signature.
· ACO/doctor shall mention the time of check up or treatment in the BHU so that the student cannot waste time loitering in the town.

Offences calling for Disciplinary Actions
· Offensive behaviour e.g. assault on any person.
· Use of controlled substances
· Use of alcohol, doma and tobacco.
· Shoplifting
· Theft (question papers, school property, money, food, orchard raiding etc.)
· Cheating during class tests and examinations
· Carrying firearms or any other weapon.
· Formation of anti-social gangs.
· Destruction of school property – vandalism/ Hooliganism.
· Trespassing  (in the restricted area).
· Gambling
· Use of abusive/ obscene language/ Lying
· Improper dress code (including hair styles, shoes, makeup etc.)
· Reading/ displaying of adult/ obscene literature.
· Rape and sexual molestation
· Marriage/ Pregnancy/ Open / Unsocial romances
· Irregularity (in attending classes, extra-curricular activities etc.)
· Swimming in the river
1. All students are expected to have regular attendance in the lessons, club activities and any other school programs.  In case any student is unable to attend school, the following are to be observed:
· A leave letter stating the reason and counter signed by parent/guardian with contact number of parents has to be submitted to the concerned class teacher.
· The class teacher concerned will need to make inquiries if a student is found missing class often. However, the class teacher has to inform the Principal if a student has been absent for more than 3 days.
· A student wanting to leave class due to some problem has to write an application. This application has to be verified and counter signed by the class teacher and forwarded to Principal for approval.
· A student’s prolonged absence due to domestic problems and medical case will need to be informed by the class teacher to the school authority followed by joining application counter signed by parent/guardian and enclose copy of medical certificate (for medical reasons).
· Student’s absence for more than 10 days without any information will be considered as left school for good. His or her name will be removed from roll after 10 days.
2 The class teachers will maintain the regular attendance of the class and the log book shall also be maintained by the class captains and the remarks of the student’s absence/inquiries endorsed with the signature of the subject teacher is mandatory for each period.
3. The log book will be submitted to the Principal’s office at the end of each day’s class and collected before the assembly the next day for regular maintenance for each subject taught. 
4. A student absent for assembly without approval from class teacher will be considered absent for the whole day.
5. Students unable to stand in the assembly have to stay in the sick room after getting permission from the class teacher. No students will stay in the class.
6. All students should have 90% in all subjects or otherwise will not be permitted to sit for the annual examinations. The class teachers are required to submit the attendance percentage worked out before the final examinations.
7. All students are expected to be present in school for any sort of practice demanded by the school, especially after the exams are over.


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